Friday, 13 April 2018


Unless this is done, the problem cannot be resolved. How can it be, if those who are responsible for it, are refusing or deflecting responsibility for it? 

Who benefits from the police not being allowed to take appropriate and effective action to reduce the number of people, especially children and young people, carrying knives and guns?  

With the intent of committing crimes, whether those crimes are intended as 'self-protective' or offensive? 

It is probably not even a matter of 'benefiting', but, rather, who is able to hide behind making a holy grail of no  'stop and search?' Yes, only the knives and guns carriers.

Members of the public, irrespective of their ethnic origins, do not trust the police. 

But, in times of strife, they all or most of them, probably understandably, will still look to the police and the government 'to do something.' 

But not 'stop and search', as you will be targeting the black community', said the political activists. 

However, as one community activist told the BBC's Radio 4 programme this morning. 

Everybody need to take more responsibility for fighting against this destructive culture of violent street crimes which is blighting areas of the United Kingdom. 

Whereas a professor who was being interviewed by the BBC, could not get beyond the myopic opposition he has towards 'stop and search', which he argues - wrongly - is being seen as a "silver bullet." 

The community activist, who had a lost a brother due to gun violence, cited the case for parents to search their children before they leave the house, to make sure that they are not carry.

I would endorsed all that this man has said, not just because he is a man who has lost a brother to violent crime.  

But because he is speaking with the intelligence and pragmatism which is not reflected in the tone of the Professor. 

To be continued!

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