No less and no more. A fact which Gnostic texts have acknowledged, by recognising Judas' crucial role in bringing about the events.
Which, again, according to the Christian Gospel, has led to Christ becoming the Redeemer of humanity. Judas did not 'betrayed' Christ for 30 pieces of Silver.
He simply pointed out Christ to the soldiers, as he was fated to do. And, as crucial as his role was in the fulfilment of Christ's mission.
It was a role which could have been performed by any of the other 11 disciples.
And what of the Resurrection of Christ? What of this central pillar of the Christian faith?
This act which is probably even more fundamental than the crucifixion of Christ, the Son of God?
According to the Gospel, Christ rose from the state of being dead, after being in the Sepulchre for 3 days.
The number 3 having that special significance, even though it is not an even number. Of representing trinity of God. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Which is a bit confusing, though the Christian clergy would probably perceive it as an initiated mystery.
Instead of a matter of confusion, and an attempt to make something appear more important and powerful than it really is, by a process of obfuscation.
Why, we might ask, was it necessary for Christ to remain in the Sepulchre for 3 whole days?
Why could it not have been arranged, preordained by God that he should rise on the first or on the second day of being entombed?
Probably for no other reason than convenience or, or because it fits into carefully planned conspiratorial deception of Christendom.
To be continued!
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