Or is it the case that Emmanuel Macron finds much or most of 'Trumpism' repugnant, and is only getting close to Donald Trump to try to 'reason with him.'
To plead and appeal to the vestige of 'good nature' which he, Macron, might be hoping that Trump still has?
If you cannot trust Donald Trump's vision of the United States and of the rest of the world, then, why would you want to risk trusting or appearing to trust, to be a friend of Donald Trump?
Or is it that Macron is being a traitor to the rest of Europe, to the European Union.
And is endeavouring to secure 'special favours from the Trump Administration, for France, and at the expense of the rest of Europe and other countries around the world?
A kind of 'La doctrine de chaque nation pour elle-même', doctrine of every nation for itself.'
Is this really the vision motivating President Macron?
Or is it about him trying to 'appease' a President who has become an unyielding 'bully', who is committed to getting his own way?
Is President Macron willing to not only selling his country short, and compromise the national 'honour' for which he joined Trump and May bombed Syria.
Is he willing to sell out the rest of the European for his perceived 'French self-interests'?
Is it in France's self-interest and the self-interests of the 'coalition of contemporary European colonialist' that Emmanuel Macron is promising or proposing to 'renegotiate the Iran nuclear agreement', to appease his Trump Administration?
Is it why he is almost committing Iran to agree to such a 'renegotiated agreement', of, according to the modus operandi of the CCEC, render itself liable to be punished by the constituent members of this coalition?
As the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, made her own belated appearance at the Lair of President Donald Trump.
She and Emmanuel Macron should be open and honest about their serious concerns about Trump's vision for America and the rest of the World.
They should also seriously consider the need to review the situation and how to effective respond challenge it.
Now is not the time to pretend that all or most things are well, between them and the Trump vision, when it clearly is not.
No talking with forked tongue; if the problem is not accurately identified and analysed, then it cannot be appropriately and effectively addressed.
Trump and his administration are not the best option to lead the world, and it incumbent on Europe to step up and play its role in bringing forward the 'new model world order.' Which should not have America or Trump's vision as its guiding light.
It is unfortunate that Emmanuel Macron, with the burden of delusions of grandeur about France's colonial past distorting his vision of France's role in the Europe, the Middle East and the rest of the world.
Is seeming to have too much tolerance and respect for Donald Trump and his vision of the what the 'new world order' should be.
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