They might have 'free' and 'unfree' people. In this case, Jews and Palestinians. But countries like Israel cannot be logically called a 'democracies.'
At least, not an enlightened 'democracy', of which its followers should or can be proud of.
And yet, the State of Israel is being made the exception, by its Western apologists. And is being shown the 'understanding' and 'tolerance' it needs to perpetrate inhumane and brutal acts.
For which other 'civilised' countries would have been roundly and deservedly condemned.
And yet, the State of Israel is being made the exception, by its Western apologists. And is being shown the 'understanding' and 'tolerance' it needs to perpetrate inhumane and brutal acts.
For which other 'civilised' countries would have been roundly and deservedly condemned.
Especially if they happen to be Arabic or Palestinians. When Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is objectively analysed; are there not parallels between how the Nazis treated the Jews and how the State of Israel persecute and oppresses the Palestinians?
Is Israel not the modern day 'Ancient Egyptians' to the Palestinians, who have been placed in the role of the Ancient Jews?
But let none of this inspires or be used as a justification by the Palestinians to continue to violently fight against Israel's occupation of their lands and holding to ransom their livelihood.
But let none of this inspires or be used as a justification by the Palestinians to continue to violently fight against Israel's occupation of their lands and holding to ransom their livelihood.
Because the strategy of opposing the Israels bully and oppressor has already proven to be ineffective and suicidal.
Not a single Palestinian should sacrifice his/her life in what has been shown to be little more than symbol acts of defiance.
The eventual freedom of the Palestinians and them having a secure and stable viable homeland lies in them persecuting their struggle in a smart way.
By living, for a start, and not making themselves martyrs. By demonstrating the high value of their lives. Classical 'martyrs are dead people, and the dead cannot win struggles.
Thus the challenge of the Palestinians to become 'living martyrs', by devoting their lives to staying alive. And doing all they can to promote the achievement of a a viable, sovereign and secure homeland for the Palestinian people.
And not appearing to confirm Israel's view that Palestinian lives are of no value or of lesser value to that of Israeli Jews.
Thus the challenge of the Palestinians to become 'living martyrs', by devoting their lives to staying alive. And doing all they can to promote the achievement of a a viable, sovereign and secure homeland for the Palestinian people.
And not appearing to confirm Israel's view that Palestinian lives are of no value or of lesser value to that of Israeli Jews.
By pursuing options which generate and reinforce the hope, the vision and aspirations of a better life for the Palestinians.
And not succumbing to Israel's objective of making the occupied Palestinians into 'a failed quasi-nation' of chronically depressed people.
And not succumbing to Israel's objective of making the occupied Palestinians into 'a failed quasi-nation' of chronically depressed people.
By promoting more self-help, self-reliance and preservation, and not by pursuing reckless actions which promote Israel's wanton destruction of Palestinian infra-structure.
We have seen the 'Mandelian' and the 'Jihadian' stages of the Palestinian struggle. Now it is time for the 'Ghandian' phase.
A phase in which Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, should all commit themselves to building and consolidating where they now find themselves living.
As they aspire and struggle smartly to aspire a viable, prosperous and sovereign homeland.
It is a phase in which every Palestinian who fire a rocket into Israeli 'territory', is, along with their rocket, an enemy of the People of Palestine and is making an attack on Palestinians.
By inviting the Israeli Offensive Forces to attack Palestinians and their infra-structure.
We have seen the 'Mandelian' and the 'Jihadian' stages of the Palestinian struggle. Now it is time for the 'Ghandian' phase.
A phase in which Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, should all commit themselves to building and consolidating where they now find themselves living.
As they aspire and struggle smartly to aspire a viable, prosperous and sovereign homeland.
It is a phase in which every Palestinian who fire a rocket into Israeli 'territory', is, along with their rocket, an enemy of the People of Palestine and is making an attack on Palestinians.
By inviting the Israeli Offensive Forces to attack Palestinians and their infra-structure.
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