Sunday, 8 April 2018


Now that Lula de Silva has done the right thing, and submit himself to the Brazilian Judiciary. 

Let the law of Brazil, unfettered and undiluted by vested political, economic and social interests.  Be applied to all Brazilians, irrespective of their offices and the extent of their power. 

Let it be applied to Timer and all the other corrupt legislators who are hiding behind the 'political immunity' which they have given themselves.'
To escape impeachment and probably imprisonment for allegations of corruption against him?  

Even though part of the reason might have been that the powers that be, have decreed that it would have been too damaging for Brazil's economy to allow due process to be prioritised over 'political expediency.'

Why, then, those on the left of the political spectrum, including the 'Lulaistas', should Lula de Silva be made an example of ? 

Why should he be made the precedent of what, it is to be hoped, would or could become a genuine crusade to clean up Brazil's political, economic and social life from the corruption in which it is mired?

To which the answer could be, 'Why Not'? 

Would it not be an expression of honesty by the left, an acknowledgement of the fact that endemic corruption is within the fabric and dynamics of the country's society?  

And that all those who are most culpable, should acknowledge their role in it, whether it be as perpetrators or beneficiaries? 

Would Lula de Silva not be modelling himself on Christ, if he were to admit and make an open and profound statement about corruption and crime in Brazilian society?  

And the great need for politicians and government workers and others to take acknowledge their responsibility for it and crusade against it? 

Would that not be a more profound and worthwhile legacy for former President Lula de Silva to craft for his country? 

Instead of  giving more currency to the 'I am blameless', and 'why me', 'we are all in it', defence?

If the former President accepts his 'fate', as delivered by the Judiciary, he will have set a precedent, which, logically, should have to be followed in all other cases. 

Which could mean that other alleged and suspected corrupt politicians might no longer be able to hide behind the thinly veiled covering of political immunity.

Thus the irony and paradox which now confronts, not only Lula de Silva and his allies and supporters, but every strand of Brazilian society. 

Which is that, now is as good a time as any to acknowledge what it the primary causes of the sickness which is eating away at the soul and body of Brazil, and begin to apply the appropriate remedy. 

Irrespective of the non-lethal cost, and who has to begin doing the time.

Lula de Silva has set a precedent by being elected as President of Brazil. He now has the opportunity of setting another precedent; that of making a big sacrifice for his country.  

In helping to rid it of the malignant corruption in which so much of the country's life is mired. He can take this opportunity, or he can resort to the 'we me, everybody does it', approach.

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