Sunday, 15 April 2018


'So, if we use 'moral' as the standard  in making decisions onwhen to make or not make war.  How do we measure the 'moral offence', and the comparative 'moral standard' or 'morality' of different peoples, religions and civilisations? 

Are we, using 'moral standard', able to all speak from the same 'moral fountain' and with one voice'? 

Or is the use of a 'moral standard', as opposed to a 'secular, legal standard', of little use for the prudent conduct of the international affairs between nations and peoples'?

Today, I am feeling somewhat better than I was feeling on Saturday morning.  When, before publishing a post on this blog, I decided to check The Guardian on line.  

In case there had been developments about which I needed to know, before pressing the "Pubish" icon on the Blog. 

So, imagine my sense of shock, of disbelief, when I saw the news that the United States, Britain and France had gone ahead and attacked Syria? 

Yes, I almost could not believe it. It was like one hour the promised attack was being hyped up as imminent, with President Donald Trump telling the Russians that "the missiles were coming." 

Then, the next he was rolling back his statement by saying he would never tweet when he was going to make the attack.  

And finally, having created a 'sense of false security' for those of us who were willing the 'Three Musketeers Without A Just Cause', not to go ahead with attacking Syria. 

Like thieves in the night, they went ahead with the attack. 

So, now, on reflection, it might well have been the case that Donald Trump had been indiscreet and let the proverbial 'cat out of the bag', by telling the world the attack would be going ahead, but later advised to try to roll it back. 

Something which, it now appeared, he was partly successful in doing.  With Emmanuel Macron even coming to his aid, by referring to wanting "some more information" before they made the attack.

So, why am I feeling somewhat better than I felt on Saturday, and even a great deal better than the week before? 

Well, speaking simply and honestly, like probably thousands, if not millions of other interested people over the world.  

To be continued!

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