Sunday, 1 April 2018


'The Pope of the Catholic Church has recently been reported as having stated that Hell does not exist. 

It was subsequently reported that the Vatican intervened to point out that the report emanated from something the Pope said.  Being taken out of context. 

Context, it seems, is often used, undoubtedly correctly at times, as both a genuine and disingenuously, as a defence. 

If the report of Pope Francis having made such a courageous, but obvious disclosure is true.  

Then, could it be the beginning of Christendom dismantling the main pillars of deception on which theistic religions are based? 

Might we see Pope Francis or other venerable members of the Clergy stating that, the reported resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, did not happen?'

Yes, today is no ordinary Sunday.  For Christians, it is Easter Sunday, the anniversary of the day when Christians believe or try to believe that Jesus Christ, purported Son of God.  

Incredibly, rose from the dead and made his way out of the Sepulchre in where he was buried, and literally disappeared in thin air.

And so it is, that Christians all over the world today, will be celebrating 'the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ. 

Why, because it is what gives them hope of having eternal life. Their reward for 'keeping true to the faith.' 

After what has been for millions of them and other people who have different faiths, or no faith at all, has and will have been a miserable life upon the Earth. 

Not for these lesser mortals, with bodies which are corruptible, as can be seen from the natural process which transforms all living organisms into a state of cosmic dust.  

Given sufficient time after death, the immediacy and glory of a quick resurrection after their deaths. Which has been preferentially accorded to their Lord Jesus.

No, for them, for us, if you happen to be a believer, their perceived glory or victory over death.  Must await the 'end of time' or 'the end of the world', 'Judgement Day', as it is referred to. 

To be continued!

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