Have a look at what went on and is reported to be still going on with how the government of Myanmar has and is treating some of of that country's Muslim people, people whom it said are not its citizens?
Did the picture and the videoed accounts of what occurred, spoke plainly enough to elicit a more forceful response from the West, if the use of forces to destroy the 'enemy' is to be its preferred option?
No? Well, how about what is taking place in the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
What about all those citizens who are being slaughtered by militants? Are they not worthy of being 'saved by the intervention of the Western Bombing Alliance?
Are they not worthy of being 'Libyanised'? Is it the case that the 'thin Red Line' has not yet been crossed?
That the numbers of the maimed, the dying, the dead and the displaced, have not yet reached the proportion it was allowed to reach in the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Rwanda's minority population?
No? So, what is it about the proxy war in Syria, which is able to so forcefully command the attention, consensus and conspiratorial alliance of western countries?
Is it that they all have such a strong antipathy towards the use of chemicals as a weapon to kill and maim other humans.
Instead of the use of conventional high explosive exterminate life, maim people and destroy their livelihoods and countries?
Is this a way of the West protecting the markets of the 'conventional arms industries' which it commands?
And which is responsible for many times more killing, maiming and displacement of civilians caught up in conflicts all over the world?
Why is it that the civilian victims of the violence, especially that caused by weaponised chemicals, merit so much more abhorrence from the political leaders and human rights' activists in the West?
Why are the victims of violence in other countries in the Middle East, in Africa, in Asia, in South America, in the United States of America, not being given the same exposure to the 'public'?
To be continued!
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