Is it just about the fact or perception of a child, woman, or man, being killed, murdered.
By weaponised chemicals, seems to be 'more brutal', 'more terrible' than children, men and women being blown up by America's, France's and Britain's state of the art ammunition, cruise missiles and bombs?
Is it that it is more merciful for those victims to be killed by Western manufactured armaments?
Or probably it is the West's perception that the lives and suffering of Syrian children, men and women, are of greater value than those of other civilian victims in other countries?
Why, for example, is the President of the United States of America, and that country's Ambassador at the United Nation.
Turn their faces away and switching off their compassion from the plight of the hundred of thousands of people, migrants.
Who want to leave their harsh struggle for survival in their own countries, and move to the United States of America, in their search for a viable livelihood?
If it is about compassion for the innocent, and the victims of injustice, for the economically challenged.
Then why is the United States of America telling the poor of the world that they do not care about them, and just want to secure America's best interests?
The use of arms, whether it be high explosive or weaponised chemicals, is an expression of the failure of humans to resolve conflicts peaceable and justly.
It does not really require any prudence to beat the war drums, let loose the dogs of war, to press the buttons which will send cruise missiles thousands of miles away to do more destruction than crudely weaponised chemicals.
Or to drop bombs on people who are not able to protect themselves from them.
To destroy what people already has, as has been the case in Libya, Yemen, Syria and other countries, in the oftentimes disingenuous and deceitful pretext of 'helping them', of 'saving them.'
To be continued!
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