Wednesday, 11 April 2018


By bringing them pyrrhic victories, which almost invariably leave them in a worse state than before. 

By failing to differentiate between 'fighting for people', and 'fighting for 'democracy' and freedom.' 

By being too eager to sacrifice the little which people has, for the West's unfulfilled and unfulfillable and irrational quest to 'democratise' the world, even at the expense of the humans who inhabit the targeted places.

Yes, it is infinitely easier to destroy what has been already built, than to build something of value. 

As we have seen from what the West has done in Libya, in Syria, and the destruction it has aided and abetted in Yemen. 

The West, to a large measure, is currently being led by morons, and, for that reason, the world should take positive steps to extricate itself from being led by the West, as it is the equivalent of being led by morons.

Yes, the West will most probably attack the Syrian government, because its, the West's, balls are bigger and more potent than its brains and intellect, and it is being led by its Balls. 

It attack will not be motivated by any principles of 'justice' or 'moral rectitude.' 

But by its endeavour to secure what it sees as its economic and geopolitical interests. 

Its desire to assert its dominance, especially at a time when all or most that it holds in high regard, is being destroyed by the lies, the selfishness, the hypocrisy and internal contradictions around which they are wrapped.

It is a profoundly retrograde period in the advancement of human enlightenment, when so-called 'civilised' nations conspire and plan to attack a sovereign nation and government. 

Using as their rationale, the pretext that they are meting out "justice" by "punishing" that government and nation, for the alleged manner in which it treats a minority of its citizens. 

It is a return to the 'laws of the jungle', when powerful nations, disregarding due process of international and national laws.  

And/or manipulating the true and fake 'facts,' so as to make them appear to provide them with the required 'justification.'  Make war on weaker nations, in pursuance of their own self-and- selfish interests.
When such things occur and are occurring more frequently, the world should become extremely concerned that it is being taken to the precipice, towards the void.

This is what Britain, France and the United States of America are threatening to inflict on humans, and on the world. 

It is the objective which is being supported by all those who are beating and dancing to the deafening tune of the drums of war. 

Of the West's addiction to war and the destruction in lives, livelihoods and property which it brings.

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