Thursday, 31 May 2018


There is a time for war and there is a time for peace, it has been said. 

And yet, it probably is not the case that either state of being has to be mutually exclusive of the other. 

After all, 'a war' does not have to be fought by only military or violent means, which is the lesson which Hamas and its militant allies have refused to learn. 

For them, having a military means taking military action against Israel. 

But that does not have to be so, especially when Hamas and its allies have proven so ineffective and will continue to be ineffective in progressing the liberation of the Palestinians through military action. 

In this respect, Hamas and the other militant organisations in Gaza, have reached the end of the line, as far as waging an effective armed struggle of any kind, against the Israeli occupation.

Hamas and its armed allies, and, even the Palestinian Authority, might find this to be an inconvenient truth. 

But, it is more that likely that an independent and objective analysis of the history of Hamas' and its militant allies, armed struggle against Zionist Israel. 

Will show that they have not advanced the lives of the Palestinians one jot. 

It is highly probable that such an analysis would show that Hamas and its allies have proved to be just as, if not more destructive to the cause of advancing the lives of the Palestinians. 

And what is even worse, the situation is not going to get any better, while Hamas militants, and the old guard or new guard with the same old doctrine or strategy, remain in charge.

And so it would seem, that, before the Palestinians can become free of the Israeli yoke which is grinding them down.  

They must first free themselves of the Militant old guards and old and irrelevant strategies which is making them more susceptible to Israeli oppression. 

If Hamas and the PA are denying Palestinians their freedom and oppressing them, purportedly in the interest of 'fighting the Israeli oppressor. 

Then, with what rationale does it underpins the struggle against the 'Israeli enemy'? Is it to be that, it is better for a person or people to be oppressed by one of their kind?

So, leaders of Hamas and the other militant groups who are destroying the Palestinian people and disrespecting them. It is time for you to remove the yoke with which you have cursed the Palestinians. 

Denying them life and offering them death and misery, which the Zionists are already giving them plenty of. 

You have failed and continue to fail to be part of the solution to a struggle which requires a lot of prudence. Prudence which you patiently lack. 

So, remove yourselves from the ill-fitting role of leadership of the people, if you really want them to survive and succeed in establishing a viable and prosperous sovereign Palestinian State. Nothing less can suffice. 

Stop being the 'Nicaragua', the Venezuela, et al of the Middle East! The wisdom of any organisation which seeks to serve the people, is that of avoiding a situation where it replaces or comes to be seen as replacing the unjust and oppressive system which it fought against. 

To avoid giving just cause for a revolution to be fought against it, because it has become as or more corrupt and unjust than the system it replaces or seeks to replace. Now is the time to stop hating and disrespecting the people.

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