Monday, 28 May 2018


The establishment of a 'new and better relationship', one without 'oppressor' or 'oppressed', without one party having to feel 'guilty' and the other 'ashamed', requires a line to be drawn under the past. 

It requires a 'new and different kind of morality.' One which requires present and future generations of people to stop trying to 'build' upon the imperfect and defective foundations of the past, and to start anew. 

Without the need for the descendants of the past 'oppressor' having to say, 'sorry, I will not do it again.' 

Considering that it was not they, the descendants, who 'did it.' One which requires the descendants of the 'oppressed' to acknowledged that they cannot, or, rather.  

Should not continue to 'blame the oppression of their descendants, on the 'sins of the oppressor.' Sins which, to large extent, were done to a people who are now dead, by a people who are also now deceased.  

As what had taken place between the two, is or should be, largely a matter of history. Of a past which cannot be undone, either by mountains of feelings of guilt and anger.

And so it seems to me, that people should consistently endeavour to live their lives in the present and the future.  

Where they/we are best equipped to make positive contributions towards realising lives which are free of the injustices and conflicts of the past. 

And avoid looking on, especially with contrived or self-induced anger, with 'false memory of what had and had not happened, before we were born. 

Avoid focusing on the dead, and attributing responsibility for our current status on the actions or omissions of descendants now long dead. 

To be able to move on, we must, of necessity, be able to stop making a talisman of the suffering and dying, and the destruction of those who have preceded us. 

Stop keeping them 'alive' and needlessly 'victimising' and 'oppressorising' ourselves.

And dis-empowering ourselves from being able to make positive changes in our lives, and that of others.

After all, is the dead not incapable of accepting accountability for their action, or reparation for injustices done to them?

The oppressed and persecuted ancestors did not suffer their tribulations and gave birth to their descendants. 

So that the latter could have a reason or excuse deflect their responsibility for making their own contribution towards the advancement of the human species.

Which is why it is unproductive and negative for any people, of whichever colour, 'race', ethnicity, religion or culture. 

To use the oppression or dominance of their ancestors, as a template, model or incentive to organise the present and build the future. 

As, to do so, is likely to result in a continuation of the past imbalances and injustices. It is better that we all assert our current equal humanity, and use it as our foundation for building the future which would best serve us all.

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