Wednesday, 9 May 2018


'So, how is it, and by what foul means or devices, doth a foul and devious person causes ordinary people to come to believe that they are 'just' and 'right.' 

And that those whose cause or position is, indeed, just and reasonable, are actually the 'bad guys'? How is it that it is the Iranians, and not the Trumpists who are being placed in the docks?'

So, as should have been expected, President Donald Trump and his government have told the leaders of Europe and the rest of the world, who support the Iran Nuclear Agreement to go and take a jump.

They, President Trump and his government, have effectively told the Europeans and the rest of the world.  

That America will only honour those 'agreements' which they make themselves, and in accordance with their warped and malignant vision of the world. 

Yes, it is not what should be happening. When one President and government make a commitment, on behalf of the nation, that it agrees to and will comply with the conditions of an internationally agreement. 

Such as former President Barak Obama and his government had done, in respect of the Iran Nuclear Agreement, the JCPOA. 

It becomes an enormous act of betrayal to ones country. If a person's word is to be their 'bond.'  Then how much more should the words and signature of a nation be their 'bond', be an indication of their 'national  honour'?

President Donald Trump and his national advisors who support him in this gross act of betrayal of his country, is really on par with Hitler and his henchmen. 

Some people might think that that is an exaggeration of the crisis in which the President has placed the world. But it really is not so. 

By reneging on the United States commitment to stand by the agreement - not 'a deal', as Trump prefers to term it.  

The President and his advisors have firmly placed the world on the precipitous path of the greatest period of instability and insecurity confronting it since the Second World War.

While President Trump disingenuously characterised the Iranians as "black-mailing Americans with the threat of nuclear weapons." 

It is really his administration and its renegade advisors and henchmen who are threatening the people of Iran, and, secondly, the rest of the world, with military conflagration. 

The President and his henchmen are telling the Iranians that, unless they surrender their sovereignty and independence to their will, they and Israel will wage devastating warfare on them. 

The talk of the Iranians 'threatening Americans' with nuclear weapons, weapons which they have not even produced, is nothing short of a 'red herring.' 

It is a subterfuge, a malicious fake casus belli, since the real threat to what peace remains in the Middle East, is not Irania nuclear weapons. 

But the massive conventional and ballistic arsenal which America possesses, and is deploying in the region.  

Via its proxies, such as Israel - the tail which wags the dog - and Saudi Arabia and the UAE, et al.

To be continued!

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