Saturday, 12 May 2018


Will they defend the rights of their business people and companies to carry out their lawful purpose of trading with Iran and its agents, within the relevant laws of their own countries and those of Iran? 

Or will they leave them defenceless, to be frightened off, to be persecuted and prosecuted by the American government, with impunity?

So, probably Germany; then, might it not be up to taking the lead on the counter-attack? Even though it might seem like  a brother or sister having to take sides against a brother or sister who has gone crazy and needing to be stopped.

After all, with Angela Merkel just beginning her 4 term as Chancellor of the German Federal Republic, and being probably the most experience and successful politician in western Europe.

With her being a strong leader, should she not be capable of taking a leading, if not the leading role. 

In mustering the troops to counter this scurrilous and autocratic American assault on the independence, sovereignty and national pride of European and other countries?

And yes, might it be the case that Angela Merkel, having lost out from the necessary delay in forming the current 'grand coaliton government.' 

Which is now governing Germany, has lost some of her strength, some of her enthusiasm, her motivation and conviction to help to build a stronger and better Europe. 

It is Emmanuel Macron and not Angela Merkel who now seems to be dominant or leading statesperson in western Europe. 

Angela Merkel, at least for now, appears to be taking a backseat. I am reminded of how jaded and unenthusiastic President Obama had looked, at times, as he confronted the challenge of campaigning for a second presidential term of office.

How ironic that, what the world could benefit from now, is an inspired and inspirational German Chancellor. 

Let us hope that Angela Merkel is still will and capable of performing this role. 

She is likely to find other national leaders and countries, such the Russia,n Chinese and others willing participants. 

As they are also having to suffer the burden of the pervasive American economic yoke. 

A yoke which the world needs to break and free itself from, as, whatever some countries might think they owe the United States of America.  

For what they believe the Americans have or are doing for them, does not worth them enslaving themselves to America's perceived 'best interests', and Donald Trump's administration's 'car crash' vision of their 'new world order.'

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