That he might, indeed, be the 'anti-Christ'; the Devil incarnate. Observing the President in the company of other world leaders and leaders of other nations, is, indeed, a study in 'diplomatic awkwardness.'
Even amongst him 'friends' and those who are considered his natural constituents. President Trump projects and image of 'I do not belong here.'
Of a 'fish out of water'. Of boredom. Yes, there is the perception of the President being a much hated and despised President.
But one to who the other world leaders must do obeisance and show grovelling respect, despite their obvious hatred for him and/or what his Presidency represents for the world.
But let us return to the question of whether the President is latter day prophet, and of who and what his message might be.
It is clear that the President and his administration are probably the most unconditional supporter and protector of the State of Israel.
That amongst the Administration's supporters are the religious zealots who believe that they have a vested interest in helping to bring about the 'end of the world', or human habitation of planet Earth.
This could account for the seamless alliance between Trump's Administration and the policies of the State of Israel,
on the one hand.
And, on the other, the Administration's apparent readiness to wage war, in whatever forms it considers necessary, on all nations and people who oppose its worldview.
In this respect, if Donald Trump is a prophet from the Judeo-Christian God, while he might find a certain welcome from amongst the fundamentalist Christians and Jewish faithful.
For the rest of the human family, 'his coming' has nothing to commend it the 'peace of the world.'
Why would, since a peace which is wrought from making war on people, subjugating them and denying their humanity, is probably not a peace worth having.
It is the kind of peace which is achieved at the cost of dying; it is the 'peace which belongs to the dead.
And, as we know or should know, it is a foolish person who would willingly forfeit his/her life, to find out if their is life after death. And if that life is better than 'life before death.'
To be continued!
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