Thursday, 24 May 2018


Then, that would also probably remove the JCPOA issue from the table.  

That would create the opportunity for the opposing parties to temporarily plaster over the developing seismic fissure, between the the United States' maligned 21st Century New Model World Order.  

And the more tolerant and liberal ones preferred by many countries in the rest of the world. 

Of course, if  the Americans and its Israeli and Arab allies were to overthrow the government of Iran and critically compromise its sovereignty. 

Then, they would, indeed, create an even bigger and probably more catastrophic crisis for the world.

It would bring to an end the assertion of the American and European Union countries that they are 'law-abiding'  'liberal democracies.' 

It would represents a tectonic shift the political and military underpinning of the Western 'democracies.' 

Something which would blur an current distinction between them and the more militaristic and fascistic governmental models in other parts of the world.

For this reason, if for no other, although realpolitik might consign the European Union and other countries to acquiesce to the United States making war on Iran. 

They have have little, if anything to gain, and a great deal to lose, if the attack were to be successful in conquering the Iranians and forcing them to surrender. 

If the European Union and other countries find themselves having to making a decision based on 'the least detrimental option', or lesser of two evils.' 

Then, I am of the view that they would need to and should choose to support the Iranians.

Not to do so would only result in encouraging Donald Trump's United States of America to rampaging around the globe like a wounded rhino. 

Something which would not be good for it, and, especially, for the rest of the world. Ordinary people like you and me.

And so it is that it is vital for the Iranians to come out of this war by any means, with the USA and its non-European allies, the victor.

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