Wednesday, 2 May 2018


And being unaware that, if it does not leave, the time will come when its 'security' will become its prison and, eventually, if it is not ejected, the means of its death by suffocation. 

As the womb ceases to be a viable and conducive environment for its survival. 

And having been born, the baby must survive the critical stage or time of the first few months and years. 

Followed by the different times when the child might become impatient with the slow flowing  or passing of time.  

Before he/she can accompany their older siblings on carrying out some errand or chores. 

Before they can accompany mummy or daddy as they perform this and that task. 

Before they can start attending school, having sleepovers, being allowed out on their own, and participating in this and that leisure activities. 

Before they can go to college, or university, get their first job, their first wage or salary. Before they can have their own accommodation. 

Before they can have their first girl or boyfriend, before they can have the freedom and privileges which adults have, or they believe adults have.

Yes, and, if they aspire toward having a family, they will be looking toward the time when they will have children of their own. 

They will spend time pondering, wondering about what it will be like, when they have to care for their children. 

They will spend time telling themselves and others, how brilliant,or how terrible a mummy, or a daddy they will be to their own children.

The will spend time contemplating the wonderful and exciting times they will have with their babies, their children.  Before undertaking the actual journey of having and parenting children.

And soon, ever so soon, the time will come when your/their children will have grown up and become parents of their own. 

Having their own children, and probably seeking your help, lumbering you and abusing your desire, your sense of duty to help them care for their children. 

Children who will have provided you with a second opportunity to care for children.  But not to parent your children's children,  as if they were your own.  

When they really are not, and you might incur the resentment of your children, whom might have questions about your parenting of them. 

And, as time pursues you/us, so might we try to avoid, to delay it catching up with us, and extinguishing us. 

Which reminds us of the need to make the most we can of the time we have.  

Even though, when time catches up with us, or we with it, we will have no memory of the things we were not able to do, to experience, as well as those we were able to do and did experience.

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