A viable Palestinian State cannot be built up and sustained by 'international aid and charity.'
Hamas and the Palestinian Authority should take responsibility for any military action they carry out against Israel.
Where it is reasonable for them to conclude that such acts would or might result in the murder and destruction of Palestinians and their property.
Between their current leaders and the Israeli oppressor, the Palestinians are being driven to new levels of desperation.
A situation which is not sustainable, and which, if it is to continue for another 70 years, will most likely result in the effective destruction of the Palestinians as a people.
As they continue to be used by their neighbours and the State of Israel as expendables for making actual sacrifices and symbolic gestures the ultimately, futile struggle between Islam and Zionism.
This needs to stop. The Palestinian people need to wrest their lives from those amongst their leaders whose leadership is killing them and furthering their destruction.
From their Arab and Islamic supporters who have made it 'a religious cause.'
And from an 'international community,' which has become increasingly detached and despondent about the intransigence of the State of Israel and its American protector its powerless to bring about any just resolution of the conflict.
So, once again, and at the risk of too often repeating myself, just as the leaders of the Palestinian people have been repeating the same mistake of forcing the them along the path of no progress, and, at worse, destruction of their dreams and their survival.
The armed Palestinian resistance has no further constructive role to play in the struggle for a viable, sovereign Palestinian State. The Palestinians cannot and should not continue to depend on nearly exhausted goodwill and charity of the benevolent people of the world.
While the armed wings of the Palestinian struggle recklessly invite the State of Israel to destroy what little the people have, especially in Gaza.
It is incumbent on the Palestinians to take hold of their fate, and not allow it to get lost in the wider struggle between Islam, fundamentalist American Christians, and Israeli Zionists.
Despite the fact that the State of Israel is continuing to expand at the cost of dispossessing Palestinian from their lands.
It is crucial that the struggle for the future of the Palestinians is pursued along the path of non-violent means, under the leadership of prudent Palestinians.
It is about Palestinians building and strengthening their social social, economic, political and societal infra-structure. About building, protecting and consolidating, and continuing to do so.
If they take this approach, then, it is more than likely that by the end of the next 70 years, a generation of two. The Palestinians will have greatly advanced, if not realised their aspiration of achieving a viable and sovereign Palestinian State.
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