And how is it, you might ask, that those who preach about the 'power of love' and of 'God being the ultimate source of Love.'
Can fail to realise that, in arguing that 'love and power' is something out or up there, emanating from a mystical deity called God.
Humans are dis-empowering and deceiving themselves. Or are being deceived by the prophets and preachers of the religions which supporting that worldview?
Here, again, is where I see Bishop Curry doing a disservice, in first claiming for 'love,' power which it does not possess.
And, secondly, seeking to support the argument that 'true love' is God and of God.
As such, instead of advertising himself as much as he had done, during the wedding. By making his sermon so much about the Christian faith.
He failed to focus more on the love of the Duchess of Sussex for the Duke of Sussex, and vice versa.
Love is important, but it is not the biggest or necessarily the most powerful of the many emotional change agents which move humans to both wonderful and horrendous things.
People living and working together in the interest of their common good, is what is most important. A state of being which requires the people involved, to be perceiving their continual mutual self-interests and viability as being predicated upon them cooperating with each other.
After all, even lovers fall out of love, something which might lead us to contemplate that love is not necessarily an enduring and/or everlasting virtue. Its intensity is not consistent.
For the love of and/or between two sentient beings to live healthily, it requires either that that love should be requited, or that it be blind. Or it exist in a state of deception of or self-deception by one or both of the involved parties.
This can be as applicable for the professed love between two humans, as it is for the professed love of the gods for humans, and humans for the gods!
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