Thursday, 24 May 2018


Because, in his demented thinking, this is what Maduro believes the now distorted, contorted, corrupted and corrupting Bolivarian Revolution demands of the people of Venezuela. 

The people whom their leaders have made into slaves for their vision of the now distorted and illogical vision of the revolution. 

A revolution which demands everything of the people, but which is incapable of even providing them with food, with clothes, with medicines, with basic commodities and safety. 

A Revolution which is blatantly failing in taking the first step towards redemption; to remove its incompetent President and government. 

And so it is, that, while the people of Venezuela are confronted on a daily basis with lack of food, good, work, medicine and great deprivation. 

The Mad President sees the reverse. In his deluded state, Maduro sees shops awash with an abundance of food. Stores bedecked with an abundance of clothing and consumer commodities. 

Where factories have been closed down, for lack of spares and raw materials, but all Mad Maduro sees, is  factories bustling with economic and industrial activities. 

The Venezuelan currency is hoovering over and descending into the abyss of complete worthlessness. 

But Mad Maduro, as best sees a strong currency, and, at worst, ignores the problem. As he looks forwards to life after death for the people of Venezuela. 

After all, it is clear that President Maduro and his government do not have the capacity and prudence, indeed, the commitment to save Venezuela and its people. 

So well might they take refuge in their Christian aspirations. Christianity will certainly not being them the paradise some of them are expecting in the after life. 

But, in this life, free of the privation which Maduro and his government is subjecting them to, they would have a life worth living.

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