Friday, 25 May 2018


But, of course, it might be the case that Mad Maduro is not at all mad; it might be that he is just selfish and evil. 

That he does not give a damn about Venezuelans and their poverty, even as supporters of the Chavezistas revolution leaves the country and others fall by the wayside. 

No, he is just an uncaring aspiring demi-god, whose primary concern to remain in power. 

To remain in power at any cost, even if it includes him forfeiting his own life, or being incarcerated, at some future date, when he is turned on by his victims.

Until such a fate catches up with Nicolas Madura, it is the ordinary people of Venezuela, who are fleeing the country in their hundreds of thousands, if not millions.  

Who has to pay the high price of Madura's maligned and disastrous attempt to govern them and their country. The people whom he has betrayed, and is now grievously oppressing.

So, yes, it really seems that Nicolas Maduro is either delusional and/or is simply bad, in bringing calamity on Venezuela and its people, and then refusing to make way for a competent leader and government.

Does God really drive mad those he intends to destroy? Well, probably not, since their is no evidence of him having done so. 

Which means that, if the people of Venezuela are really serious about getting rid of Nicola Maduro, then, they will have to do it for themselves. 

Probably by any means necessary. Including that of Nicolas Madura coming to his senses and vacating the Presidency. 

Or the more prudent of his compatriots in the government establishment, having 'having a friendly and comradely word with him, like those of Zimbabwe's former President Robert Mugabe, and prevail on him to step down and leave politics.

Had Madura, like other corrupt power-maniacs, like Mugabwe, like Daniel Ortega, of Nicaragua. Like Gambia's former president, Yahya Jammeh. 

And all the other probably once well-intentioned leaders, who became corrupted by their love of power, resolve to become a burden, instead of an asset to their people and country. 

Been able to be reasonable and  in the interest of the greater good, they would have known their limitations and not over  stay their leadership tenure.

But just as how the late Hugo Chavez represented the hope of Venezuela and her people, so Nicolas Madura represents their despair and death. 

As Chavez was their day and their light, so is Nicolas Madura their night and their darkness. Their dark period. 

Let us hope that he comes to his senses, as it were, and shorten their night and their darkness.  By relinquishing power, a power he does not have the competence to wield wisely and to the benefit of the people of Venezuela.

Do it, Maduro, do it! Walk away and make room for the recovery of the nation! Hazlo, Maduro, hazlo! ¡Hazlo, aléjate y deja espacio para la recuperación de la nación!

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