For many, if not most of us, we begin the day with by changing some or all of the clothes we had on the day before.
We might even have a wash, shower or bath, so that we can feel fresh and make a fresh start to what is, after all, a new day.
We can, you might say, endeavour to change the things which we can more easily change, so as to give ourselves a positive start to the day. Enhance our chances of having a good day.
Of course, making physical and material preparations for the challenges of the day, are likely to be more within our control.
Or, at least, for may of us who are not experiencing chronic or acute poverty and water shortage, whether due to its high cost and/or scarcity.
The more difficult preparation is probably in the mental or psychological field.
We can shed our clothes and even the grime which has built up on us during the day.
However, how do we shed or reduce the mental and psychological accumulation of stresses, anxieties and worried which have become a part of our existence or living; from one day to the next?
In this respect, how can we ever have 'a fresh start to the day'? We can remove our dirty clothes from one day to the next, but it is or can be very difficult to 'move on' from mental and psychological challenges.
It is not easy to 'forget' that our job, and all the important things which impinges on us keeping it, is at risk.
It is not easy to 'forget' or 'move on' from worrying that the income we expect at the end of the week, or the month, is not going to be sufficient to pay all of the essential bills, never mind the non-essentials.
It is not easy to be looking forward to facing another day of enemy combatants trying to kill you and those you love and/or who is depending on you to protect them.
To be continued!
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