So, will it really get better? I mean, the problems which are seriously affecting the world, Planet Earth, on which we live.
Will things 'improve'? Will hungry and the starving people, fellow humans, become satiated, by having enough to eat and to drink, on a regular basis?
Will the 'poor' and 'the Wretched of the Earth' be liberated, become rich and affluent?
As those fellow humans who have climbed and been pushed several rungs more up the latter which separates the rich from the poor, and the extremes on both ends?
Will every family on the Good Planet Earth, be able to have a nice house and at least one car?
So that there be no stark difference between them and other families in the country in which they live?
And, indeed, between them and other families in any country on Planet Earth?
Will the Favelas of Brazil, other countries in the Americas, the Philippines, parts of the Indian Sub-continent, et al.
Be demolished and replaced with good standard housing units and amenities for their occupants?
Will poverty, ignorance, poor health and homelessness be eventually banished from the Good Planet Earth?
Will mistrust, prejudice, hatred and racial conflicts be abolished? So that all people can spend time focusing on the improvement of their and other people's welfare?
Will religious animosity and conflict become an historical tradegy?
Something which future generations will, at times, reflect upon and say to themselves.
'How could our ancestors had fallen so low from the principle and practice of compassion, humility, and do such awful things to themselves?
Declaring inhumanity to have been carried out in the name of 'humanity', and/or to have been 'the will of the gods.'?
How could they have paid homage to and worship such gods who would have allowed them to behave as they had done?
To be continued!
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