Wednesday, 6 June 2018


So, why does a society has to have prisons; is it self-evident? Does a society needs to have prisons so that it can incarcerate 'bad people'? ⏳

Those people who poses a serious risk to the health and welfare of its citizens and/or  the essential state of the organs of the society. 

Dangerous people. But society, including 'modern and enlightened societies', do not have prisons just to incarcerate 'dangerous', 'evil' and 'wicket people', real or imagined or suspected. 

No, the incarceration of people has become a way of life for probably most societies. 

They have become an industry, with the incarceration and processing of 'prisoners' becoming the products of this rather insidious industry. 

One which has a vested interest in the generation and processing of the 'raw material' - the criminalisation of ordinary people - to keep the industry going. 

Yes, as well as in the retention and punishment of  those citizens who have caused and still pose a serious risk of harm to the citizens and/or the state.

It is not the case that all or even most of the people who fall foul of a society's criminal justice systems, can be categorised as 'evil', or 'dangerous', or 'bad', per se. 

Rather, the main provider of the prison industry, are the ordinary citizens.  

As supplied by the judiciary, complying with the policies of the State, as enshrined in the politically inspired laws passed by the 'law-makers. 

Prisoners falling into these categories are likely to be the minority.Those who commit nuisance offences. 

Those who commit offences which are seen or assessed as serious, and requiring imprisonment, whether or not the offender really poses a high risk of re-offending. 

To be continued!

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