Sunday, 19 August 2018


'Death, it seems, is a poignant time of reflection and anticipation, even more so that being a time of mourning.'

Death is an acute time of reflection, as we look back on the times we have interacted, be it mentally or physically, or both.  

With the soul who is now no longer with us, except in our contemplation, our thoughts, and our shared discourse about the person who has now died. 

As we contemplate the void in our ergo-sumness. Their absence from our line of vision, except that of our mind's eye. 

Except in cases where we do not have recordings or videos of them, we are now in a situation where, they, the departed, can only speak and have impact through us.  

Our memories of what they were about and what we know, think or believe they would have wanted.

This, then, is the reality of the relationship between the living and the departed, those who have died or passed on from the world of the living, as we, the still living, know it to be.

This is no different in the case of the great singer, Aretha 'Respect' Franklin, who has passed on just a few days ago.

There are many, probably all those who have ever heard of and/or heard Aretha Franklin singing, who will have felt a great sense of sadness at her passing. 

Not because we will not hear her singing anymore, because her songs have been recorded and will be available for generations to come, and listen to and enjoy. 

To be continued!

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