Thursday, 2 August 2018


Increasing probably faster than the earth and our sustainable and environmentally wealth creating and redistributive activities can lift them out of poverty.

And conflicts and wars? As long as us humans breathe air, we will continue to make war on amongst ourselves. 

As long as nations or parts of nations are blessed with an abundance of natural resources and others are cursed with scarcity. 

As long as some nations are blessed with the money, the expertise and the vision of enlightenment to transform their now undesirable reality to a more enlightened one. 

And others remain chained to, and to dragging the unenlightened traditions and customs of the past into and making them the present and the future of humans. 

As long as humans take greater pride and interest in the individual parts.  In their 'own ethnic', their 'own religion and sect', their 'own part of the world', in their 'own interests' in their 'own nation and region.'  

Than in the whole, the totality of the human condition. Conflicts and wars will continue to blight the surface of the earth.

Although the tide of the human condition will, indeed, and like the oceans, ebb and flow. 

And there will be moments, and times and periods when the collectivist spirit of humans will predominates.  

And result in great happiness. But there will always be other times when it does not and sadness and unhappiness seems to predominate.

Because, it is the fate of us humans that we are not only blessed with good fortune, but that we are also cursed by misfortune. 

And that both of these, like night and day, light and darkness, are but parts of the same whole. This, we must  understand and accept or resign ourselves to. 

Even as we should persistently endeavour to make the blessed times, our default state.

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