Still, the young child wails, some might say like a banshee, as his mother, steadfastly concentrated on doing her shopping.
At times telling her son to stop, but without doing so in the manner which might have proven effective. But, in this case, were just admonitions which the child seems incapable of hearing and/or heeding.
As he continues with his tremulous crying, interspersed with mummy, mummy, for reasons which only he and his mother might or might not have known.
Yes, it is at times like this that this young woman might have thought that the role of being a mummy, is an accursed and not a blessed one.
Who would want the responsibility of being 'a mummy', or, indeed, 'a daddy', at such times?
At times when a harassed parent could easily lash out and cause their child unintended harm?
At times when members of the public simply look on, without the courage to intervene and make a polite enquiry of, 'is there anything I can do to help you?
At times when all eyes are seeing the woman's plight and all ears are vibrating with the child's crying and obvious distress, but nobody is offering to help.
Will have known to be one of the most stressful which children present to their carers.
And yet, nobody is coming to the aid of the family, even though it is a situation which all parents, everybody who has ever cared for young children.
To the credit of this courageous parent, she ignored her child's tantrum and completed her shopping and left the supermarket.
How she dealt with his very annoying and stressful persistent crying after, is not known.
But it is more than likely that there were numerous shoppers and staff who would have been able to empathise with this courageous mother and woman, having experienced her dilemma themselves.
For these onlookers, the woman would have most likely have their blessings having suffered this persistent attack on her sanity and resolve.
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