So, what can anybody, friend, supporter, or detractor or enemy of President Maduro of Venezuela can have to say about this man?
Can anybody have anything good to say about this Dictator? If so, what can it be? Can it be that President Maduro has added value and worth to the lives of the people of Venezuela?
That he has put bread and water on the table of the people? Can it be said that President Maduro and his government have relieved the poverty of the impoverished people of Venezuela?
That he has created jobs for those who have been unemployed, and housing for the homeless and inadequately housed?
That he and his government have been able to provide the sick people of Venezuela with the health care they need? No!
Well, in whose interest does President Nicolas Maduro rules, nay, misrules Venezuela?
Probably for those who have been fortunate enough to have houses, jobs and a standard of living which does not leave them disparate, then?
They people who have been fortunate enough to have left Venezuela before it falls, literally, under the catastrophic mismanagement of an incompetent autocratic President.
Who rules the country as if it was an hybrid nation spanning both a real and a virtual world.
Far from being a saviour or champion of Venezuela and her people, President Maduro. The incompetent President with whom the former Hugo Chavez has, mostly likely, unwittingly cursed the country and its people with.
To be continued!
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