Monday, 15 October 2018

Enjoying The Garden Before Its Autumnal/Fall Transformation!

There are times when it does appear that the spectacular mosaic of colours which makes for a great Summer, fades away all too soon. 

And that, before long, but not long enough, we are confronted with a surplus of another kind of colourfulness which speaks loudly of Autumn/Fall. 

But really foretells the coming of Winter and the preparation of the Floral ecosystem  for it. With those trees and plants which are given shedding their clothes, enacting the annual ritual of allowing their leaves to ripen, die and fall off.  

So that they, the trees, can have enough energy stay alive and survive the Winter.

This is not a great video, however, do have a look at it, if you are minded to do so, and see if it does anything for your daily contemplation.

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