Saturday, 10 November 2018


The Gods and the prophets do not concern themselves with the religious pursuits of us humans. 

This is why they do not interfere or intervene, for good or ill, in the affairs of us humans. 

All the good, and the evil such as that which the Pakistan Islamised Mobocracy is now doing to the people of Pakistan. 

Is being done to further the interests of those controlling the particular religions, or branches of religions of those who are perpetrating the acts of good and/or evil. 

They are not doing what they are doing on the instruction or on the behalf of God. 

How could they be, when they all profess themselves to be 'serving the same God', while hating and fighting each other in the process of doing so? 

It would be like God using his right hand to cut off his left hand. 

Like him using his left foot to break his right foot, or using his finger to take out his left or right eye, or stick something in his left ear to make himself deaf. 

It would be like God, Allah, has become psychotic or deranged and setting about destroying himself. 

If the conflicting messages of the different religions and their variations were all coming from God, from Allah, then, this is what it would they would tell us about the character of this deity. 

Which is how we know that religions do not tell us about the nature of an independent God, but about the religions founders' perception of 'God.'

To be continued!

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