Be it Jesus Christ and the 12 Apostles, Buddha, et al.
Should not invoke the violent and brutal response which is the trademark of autocratic men.
But rather the calm, sagacious and benevolent response of a benevolent and merciful God.
A God whom we, being humans, have not done or is capable of doing them any harm. For how can us, mere humans, hurt of offend God or the gods, or their Prophets?
When was the last time that God or any of their living Prophets accused any human of having offended or harming then? Yes, it has never happened.
But this fact has never stopped the charlatans, the false religious prophets, and the ignorant and irrational believers of all the religious faiths.
From becoming masters in harming and destroying ourselves Sentient, flesh and blood humans, in the illogical pursuit of 'protecting our gods and our diverse religions.
And attempting to increase the converts to our particular religion.
To think that Allah, and/or the Prophet Muhammad, would or could ever take any satisfaction from the barbarous and unjust persecution and murder of any human.
Whether they are of the Christian faith, or of the Jewish faith, or of the Islamic faith, or of the Hindu faith, or of the Sikh faith.
Or those who profess themselves to belong to no faith or to not believe in God or the gods, or, indeed, the prophets, is blatantly imbecilic.
To be continued!
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