Wednesday, 12 December 2018


And, by appropriately drafted, I mean a referendum which sets and spells out the required proportion of the eligible electorate that need to vote. 

And the margin by which the 'motion' must be carried or defeated. 

It should also include more than a yes or no motion, not restricting the nation to a 'leave' or 'remain' choice.

I am aware that there are those who argue that, the British 'democracy system' is one which requires a simple majority, to determine the outcome of an election, or, for that matter, a referendum. 

While this is currently the case, it is also clear that this system is too simplistic and outdated to meet the more nuances and divergent and mature demands of the contemporary political thinking of the electorate. 

The First Past the Post electoral system which Britain indulges in, is the equivalent of an illiterate person signing his/her name by marking the spot with an X. 

The only problem is that the British electorate is not illiterate. Neither are they the unsophisticated children which their anachronistic electoral system is treating them as. 

A system which has a lot to answer for, in having taken the British people to the terrible crisis they are currently experiencing with Brexit.

Which is why, if there is to be another referendum concerning Britain's role in the European Union, great care should be given to how it is drafted. 

Stipulating the need for a specifically high percentage of the eligible electorate to have to vote.  

And for, in my opinion, a two-thirds or higher percentage of the voters, to have voted for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, before it could continue to proceed in doing so.

Will the British political and governmental system allow the British people the opportunity and tools to help to resolve the self-inflicted tragedy they are now in? 

Or will the political elites simply continue to try to manipulate the defective and outdated political system, in order to maintain or achieve party political power?

By the end of today, December 12, 2018, when the latest instalment of this very British fiasco is played out in the British Parliament, we should, hopefully, have the answer. 

However illogical and incredible it might be or appear to be.

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