Thursday, 24 January 2019


Yes, in those days it was common to believe in ghosts, in duppies, Rollin Calves, and I was no different in believing in them. Just as how I did believed in a sentient god.

I recall my dear mother owning a little grocery shop, where she would send me to serve in, before I went to school in the mornings. This would have been sometime after I turned the age of about 13 or 14. 

It was a responsibility which I took very seriously and did my best to carry it out successful. 

Waking up in the mornings, completing my home related chores, and then heading to the little one room shop. 

Which I would open and made ready for customers, and, on the days when bread and other groceries would be delivered. 

Be ready to accept the deliveries and make any necessary payments.

Under my dear mother's guidance, I made ice cream and sold it, taking great pride in selling as much as I could, and in the amount of 'takings' I made on each occasion. 

My dear mother would reward me well, as it was due to the success of my 'entrepreneurial' responsibility that she was able to pay for the first goat I owned and cared for. 

Again, taking it, and, later, them, out 'pasture' in the mornings, and fetching them after school, in the evenings.

There were times when I would have had to walk a couple of miles away from home, in order to find green pastures for my goats. 

Sometimes this would have been on land belonging to the local big landowning farming family, Backra, from whom I would procure the cows milk which we used.

The responsibility of looking after my goats and our family's pigs, was one which I found exciting and enjoyable, although not always so. 

To be continued!

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