Thursday, 3 January 2019


Establishing a healthier philosophy, worldview and vision of the future. 

The expressed or concealed 'belief that the white man or race' owes the descendants of enslaved and exploited Black, Asian and native peoples around the world.  

Reparation for 'wrongs done to our ancestors.' Needs to be banished; to be seen as anathema by the native African and African Diaspora, wherever they are living. Including in Jamaica. 

The past, destructive as it had been in some cases, cannot be undone. 

But it can become even more destructive when the descendants of the protagonists allow and even encourage the lexicon and imagined feelings of the ancestors, the past.  

To occupy too much of their social persona, and to continue to define who they/we are. 

People's loyalty need to be towards building a better future, one that is better than the present, and not to the past.  

Yes, it is true that humans continue to fight amongst ourselves, but we should not be blind to how the conflict has continued to be evolved. With changing structures and dynamics. 

Changing lines of demarcation, and potential and actual alliances, tactics, strategies, rules and objectives.
Life is a journey for which we are and should equip and prepare ourselves from birth to death. 

How well we are prepared and equipped, can either influence or determined the quality and success of our journey. 

It is true that some people are better prepared, by other, themselves and providence, for the journey than others.

However, returning more specifically to the violence and depravity which is occurring in some places in Jamaica - as well as other countries in the region.  

Their slaveocratic past only helps to contextualise some of the attributing factors. It does not provide a sufficient explanation of it. 

Neither should it been considered as a mitigating factor. Knowing and understanding why something is occurring will not, of itself, stop it from occurring. 

To be continued!

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