Monday, 21 January 2019


'It is not given to us humans to be able to change our destiny, in that we must all die, eventually. But we do have the power to influence, even change our fate, the path and means which lead us to our destiny. 

The British people can change their fate, but they must first reconsider their understanding of their 'practice of democracy', and whether it is in change of them, or they have dominion over their version of it. 

Whether it is 'divine', or is derived from human intellect. Whether it is a static or a changing concept and practice, and whose interests it is meant to serve, and is serving best.  

The ordinary people or the political elite and the establishment they have created to obtain and maintain their power.

Yes, this, also, is the challenge for the European Union and its constituent member nations.'

Of course it does! Of course the 'doctrine of each nation and country for itself', is not going to be a sustainable or peaceful one!

Which is just one, albeit, many of us would have thought, a very persuasive reason which it makes little or no sense for the United Kingdom to jumping ship at this time. 

To be depriving Europe, the world, of the high standard of collective leadership it is capable of providing. 

When it is not at the mercy of the 'lesser politicians' who currently are charged with safeguarding both the United Kingdom and its international reputation.

There are two paths ahead. One of which is signposted, Cooperation Path, and the other, Conflict Path. By opting for Brexit, the United Kingdom would be pursuing the Conflict Road.

To be continued! 

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