Sunday, 13 January 2019


However, based on what I can deduct from taking an empiricistic view of the world.  

I suspect that, if, indeed there are non-human sentient Gods or God, of whom we cannot know of, since they are not accessible to us through our senses. 

Then, they are unlikely to be of the cuddly, emotional, idealistic and loving nature of which the Christian religion falsely and deceptively make them out to be. 

Religion, of whatever kind, I suggest, would not be the thing of the Gods. 

They would be much more pragmatic, more realistic than the appropriated and anachronistic Christian religion has made them out to be.

Yes, I suspect that sentient Gods would be more active, more of a doer, taking direct action, and being less totally reliant on the 'believers' and other unsuspecting humans to do their work for them. 

To be the 'tools' of their action, both those which benefit and those which cause humans misery. 

After all, what do we think of a parent who stands by idly, as it were, and leave their children fend for themselves without any guidance or active assistance from them? 

Yes, we see them as being lazy, negligent and irresponsible. Just as we should see the gods, the God, if only they had existed.

When we see young tens, if not hundreds of thousands of children being abandoned to their injurious fate in the favelas and slums of the Americas, Asia and Africa, et al. 

We do not attempt to excuse it by saying they are being 'empowered', and 'encouraged to become self-sufficient', by their desperate parents and callous government and society. 

To be continued!

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