Education, in its early development, some would say it still is, focused not on preparing or equipping the masses to 'think' of what could be beyond the horizons.
The lands of the demons, of the gods and fear.
Craftsmanship which focused on ensuring that things which have already been invented are continued to be made, and be made to the highest standard of workmanship.
Yes, it was mostly being done by over-possessive men, who were and still are, to a great extent, dominating the world. Education, therefore, in its simplest and most basic form, was and is about system maintenance.
About equipping human functionaries to maintain society in a proper working order.
It was not about education and educating people as a way of equipping them to change and transform the world.
That could lead to revolution, which, indeed, it has. It is said of knowledge that it can be a dangerous thing.
Probably because of transference abilities, which means that you can educate a person for one job, but then it also equips him to do another as well.
You can see how it could be counterproductive for you to educate your worker - or your slave or servant.
Only to have them leaving your employ to go and work for someone else. Or, in the latter case, enabling them to see how you have been exploiting them them, and leading them to rebel against you.
Probably most of contemporary education is really about educating workers to become efficient and effective operatives to maintain the societal modus operandi.
To be continued!
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