'Our starting point must, should always be that of ascertaining and acknowledging the extent of our responsibility for whatever fate befalls us. And for taking the appropriate action is required to responsibly resolve or improve our condition.'
We need to look beyond ethnicity, religion, nationality and status, in considering the causes, prevention and solution of the challenges which are impacting on us.
A person's or group's ethnicity, religion, culture and/or nationality, should, arguably. Not be utilised as either a sufficient and reasonable explanation for their wrong-doing, or as a mitigating factor for it.
We, the people, the state and society, need to be open, honest and objective in our analyses of causes, impact and prevention of crimes.
Especially violent crimes and those such as drugs dealing, which eat away at people's moral compass and their productive capacity.
The problems of drug crimes and drug addiction. The problems of gangs formation and crimes.
When we endeavour to make honest and objective analyses of the probably causes of crimes, of knife and gun crimes, of drugs related crimes.
We need to be careful and circumspect about what factors we attribute them to.
When we speak of the impact of 'fatherless families', and how the children are or might be deprived of paternal guidance, of parental discipline.
We also need to be mindful of the good outcomes for many children who are partly the product of 'lone or single parent families.'
We also need to address the fact that some, if not many children who are partly the product of 'two parent families', have also become involved in delinquency and criminal activities.
To be continued!
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