But the biggest threat to Venezuela has always been the threat which Nicolas Maduro's reckless and incompetent leadership places the country in.
He is the biggest threat to the country's independence and prosperity, and the sooner he removes himself and his government from their position, the better it will be for Venezuela's long march towards its recover.
The best way of pulling back Venezuela from the cliff face where Maduro has taken it.
Is for him to relinquish power to the Armed forces, or for them to remove him and his government and set up and participate in an interim government of national unity.
Charged with the task of working with international bodies such as the Unite Nations, in preparing for free and fair national elections by 2020.
This, it seems to me, is the best and most impartial way of resolving the impasse.
Juan Guaido does not have the legitimacy to assume power.
And Nicolas Maduro has patently demonstrate his failure as a competent leader, and consequently, disqualifies himself from remaining as leader of the country.
All the Venezuelan leaders who are fighting among themselves, including Maduro and Guaido.
Owe it to the people of Venezuela to do all they can to avoid the country becoming an American sponsored battle ground.
With Venezuelans in more violent conflict among themselves. That would be a sure way of making a bad situation a lot worse.
Sadly, the Americans has lost the ability to bring appropriate solutions to the problems of other countries.
All the examples of the 20th and 21st centuries is that they only bring more destruction.
Maduro and his government should step down and hand power to the military.
And the military must purge themselves of their corrupt and/or incompetent old guard.
The country needs men and women of good character, and who are not slaves to platitudes and political dogma, to lead it.
If, as seems to be the case, the Venezuelan military has to choose between saving or protecting the Maduro Regime or the Nation. Their choice should be clear; they must protect the Nation.
Against both Maduro and Guaido, the latter day aspiring usurper!
Leaders who can secure the basic necessities, food, medicine, housing, jobs, for Venezuelans.
Who can put them in a position where they can put food on their families' tables, be protected from violent gangs and criminal action.
And not to be fed on the pointless and vacuous propaganda of tired and incompetent 'revolutionaries' who have long past their sell-by dates and epoch.
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