Wednesday, 13 February 2019


T.: Mmm. I am not of the Hindu or Buddhist faith or philosophy, L.G. But I  think I can understand and appreciate the logic of your argument. 

While it really is the case that elephant is bigger than the mouse. It would be presumptuous of us to imagine that life of an elephant, simply because of its size and powerful presence. 

Is necessarily of greater value than that of the mice. That the death of an elephant is necessarily less traumatic for the elephant species, tan is the death of a human. 

L.G.: No, T. That we do not know for sure, we can only make assumptions about it, based on what we know, feel and have been brought up to believe. But, be that as it may, T. 

Getting back to your question regarding the giving of meaning to human life.

My taken on it, T, is that the only meaning to your life, to the life of humans, is that which you, they have given to it. 

Both individually and collectively. And what is more, this value, this purpose, like lives of humans, is only temporal, for the limited time which humans are able to live. 

To be continued!

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