Friday, 15 February 2019


'It is the right of each and all countries to defend their citizens from the malign intentions and actions of other countries that seek to cause them and their people significant harm. 

Where a nation, of itself, is unable to defend itself and its people from such harm, it is that country's right to endeavour to do so by whatever means are necessary. 

Including the building of strong alliances with other countries, and building and procuring the arms which are likely to be effective in defending itself and/or the alliance.  

From being harmed by the country or countries which intend to harm it.'

This, then, is the challenge which confronts the people of Iran and their government. 

Namely that of how best do they defend themselves against the persistent and concerted attacks, war being wages against them by the United States of America, and Israel and their Arab allies?

What are they to do, when the US has declared its intention to overthrow the legitimate government of Iran?  

Using the raison de tre of wanting to free the people of Iran and the region of what it declares, are the "malign actions of Iran's Islamic government. 

To be continued!

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