Saturday, 16 March 2019


I am greatly shocked by the mass killing of dozens of New Zealanders, the maiming of dozens more, and the psychological traumatisation of the families and millions of New Zealanders. 

Which has been perpetrated by a a 28 demon who has, for many years, hidden himself amongst us humans, who abide by values of compassion and empathy for our fellow humans.

There has been so much mass killings taking place all over the world, that it would not be surprising if many of us were to become somewhat blase, numbed, and become of the view that the world is full of mad men. 

Yes, mad men, psychotic men, because it is almost invariably the men amongst us who are initiating this terrible killing and maiming of the innocents.

But the truth is that the world is not full of mad and psychotic people. 

Except for people whose madness and psychosis can be attributed to some neonatal neurological damage, psychopaths and sociopaths who individually or as 'leaders', indulge in mass killings. 

Are not born; they are self-made and/or are the deformed products of others who manipulate them into becoming the monsters that they have been metamorphosed into.

As we mourn and deal with the uncomfortable feelings that the mass killings in New Zealand have evoked from us. 

We still need to respond both emotionally and intellectually to the actual and possible causes of this problem and conflict between the main religions of the world. 

We cannot truly become one people, if we do not talk about the differences between our world views. The values, beliefs and other things which we are doing, which causes tensions, and even lead to conflict between us. 

To be continued!

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