I am fearful that, people and communities are being and will just be left and forced by circumstances, to rely on their own devices. Resulting in the creating and maintenance of replicas of their original countries of origins.
Uneasily living side by side, as separate peoples, instead of being a more integrated nation.
With the continuing strong links with, let us say, the 'world of Islam', stretching and challenging their loyalty to 'their new home.'
A new home which some Muslims, with the support of Muslims in other countries, will most probably try to 'Islamisise.'
So, yes, at a certain point, I, like most or some other 'non-Muslims, has been and could become 'Islamophobic', in response to the perceived threat which I consider Islam to pose to me.
To my world-view or my personal safety, either directly or indirectly.
But, except for the its immediacy and the magnitude of the threat, this is no different to my fear or 'phobia' about the threat which all religions pose towards us humans and our continuing enlightenment.
Whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism, et al. which threatens me and/or my world-view.
The view that says, if anything should be sacred, it should be people's right to be able to question 'God' or 'the Gods.'
And be free to deny 'God's' existence, especially when he prove Himself incapable of speaking for or defending themselves.
Or even those who proclaim their existence and assume the questionable right 'to speak for them or Him.
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