Monday, 15 April 2019


And so it could be with Sudan, as in the weeks, months and years to come, old wounds and causes of conflicts.  

Religious, ethnic, tribal, political, cultural and social ones, become reactivated and/or are given momentum to spread their venom amongst the people. 

As the competing interests and forces in Sudan's society grasp the opportunity that 'this revolution' gives them to gain this or that advantage over one another.

Like the people of the newly formed state of South Sudan, like the people of post-Morsi Egypt, the people of Sudan should brace themselves for what is now to follow. 

The ruling elites do not allow themselves to be defeated. If they have to metamorphone themselves and/or their tactics and strategies, temporarily. 

Then they will do so, and, when the people least expect it, they will strike back and reclaim what is not really theirs, but the property of the people , to which they have laid claim to..

The only true 'revolution' is that which has been planned, including having a detailed plan of what is to replace, in a timely fashion, the system against which the 'revolution' is fighting. 

And how the new society is to be 'legitimise' by the people, most, if not all the people, and not just by the 'the revolutionaries' and their supporters. 

Especially as, in the case of the overthrow of the Omar al-Bashir government. 

The primary beneficiaries, are likely to be the local and expatriate elites and foreign governments that want to see Sudan become something in 'their own image.'

The capitulation of Sudan's government represents a 'coup by some Sudanese', something which is just as grave and as morally and legally questionable, as if it was a military coup. 

With both of them professing that they have done what they have done on behalf of the people and the country.

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