Wednesday, 19 June 2019


Thus we might all be perceived of or be capable of meeting the criteria of being 'antisemite' and/or have our actions labelled 'antisemitic.' 

In some cases with justification, in other cases with none. Better that we continue to try to stop this madness and focus on the harm which people are doing to other people, and how to stop or reduce it. 

And not on how they try to 'legitimise' or 'defend it' against justified criticism. 

Causes which can only be or are largely justified or predicated upon past harm and/or the risk of future harm, must, of necessity, keep, nurture and appeal to the past wrongs, to maintain its validity. 

In doing so, it is difficult, if not impossible view the future through 'a prism located in the past, which will also be reflected in the present, instead of a more measured and balanced future-friendly prism. 

The more traditionalist or conservative Jewish people who perceive of themselves as 'victims of centuries of antisemitism', this could cause them to feel and promoted a sense of 'pathological victimhood.' 

Some what in the manner of how one could identify degrees of this in the social, if not the individual persona or psche of many people of African heritage, in their perceptions of and interactions with Europeans. 

To be continued!

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