Yes, a massive congratulation to my dear mother, for having paced herself superbly and making it to her 100th year upon the Good Planet Earth!
Well done, my dear mother. Even if, when asked how you feel for having made it to this milestone.
One which it is still not given to made many to made, since Biblical days when people purportedly lived for hundreds of years.
Your response was that 'I feel no different than I felt in earlier years.
Yes, of course my dear mother does feel somewhat different, such as the annoying impact of her aches and pains, her still unrecovered full vision, and her having to rely on the support of her walking frame.
Of course she feels more contained, more restricted by increasingly problematic health and the need for her to negotiate her movements more carefully and with added vigilance.
Yes, all of those things and more will have caused my dear mother to modify, in some way, her feelings about the impact of her present age.
To be continued!
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