A pseudo-theocratic' manifestation of their attempts to communicate with and form relationship with their imaginary 'God.'
When a people 'appropriates the religion and/or god/s of another people, they are taking on that people's worldview with all of its already existing internal contradictions, to which the 'appropriators' add their own.
That makes for a very volatile or unstable situation, which is what we have in the 'wars of the religions', whether they are the Abrahamic, one god variety, or the others with their multi-gods.
And herein lies the seed of our religious conflicts and wars. It has become as much a 'cultural' as a 'religious' conflict between different people.
A conflict in which real lives and real people are destroyed in the interest of an imaginary 'God' who, if he really exists in a tangible form.
Could not, and, most probably, would not have logically wanted anything to do with such a catastrophic situation as have always been the condition of humans.
Because, with us humans, valuing and respecting our capacity for being and using reason and logic, it is only natural that we should expect such from any 'God' worthy of being accepted and followed by us.
It is therefore no progress, in the evolution of human logic, for us to move from a place of 'worshipping an inanimate object, either as a god or a representation of a god.
To that for worshipping a 'God' whom no human has ever seen or is likely to see, but to whom we have ascribed great powers which 'our God' has never used or is likely to use.
After all, just as how it is the human servants of the 'inanimate gods' that have to give 'life to them.' So, also, is it the servants of the 'sentient unseen god' who have to give 'life to him.'
A building is still a building, even if the material it is make of is different, or the usage that is made of it.
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