Friday, 7 February 2020


Thank you, I said, and make my exit. Having made my way across the road and descended the steps from the bridge to the Canal, I turned to my left. 

Having already decided that it was that part of the Canal I would travel on this occasion. 

The path along which I embarked,  was compacted earth flanked on both sides by irregular grass verges. 

It was not very inviting, but I decided to get walking. Trying to avoid as much of the muddy bits and duck shit as I could.  

While avoiding falling into the Canal or walking into over-hanging branches and having my face slapped by projecting branches.

By now, I was being blessed by a lightly falling drizzle of rain, which, as I continued along the path and during my return journey. Would developed into a more rapid, though still relatively light, but rather icy rain. 

Whereas on my forward journey, the soft drizzle would hit the Canal's water and make small ripples.  

On my return journey the rain drops would be bigger and make large ripples.  Which would reverberate outward and quickly dissolved into the clear water of the Canal.

To be continued!

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