'No thinking person should ever take the existence of 'God' as self-evident, as to do so is to help reinforce the factualisation of religious myths which have no factual foundation.'
By probably most of humanity throughout the current Islamic and Judeo-Christian
I mean, on the face of it, observed through our reasoning, our logic prism We really should not have any difficult accepting the argument that 'God' either never existed or is now dead.
And that, based on that irrefutable fact, we are now freed of any obligation or duty to served such a 'God.'
Now, if we are able to free ourselves from this erroneous belief and tyranny which has enslaved us to 'the will of a non-existent 'God.''
Could we not see the value of having spiritually enlightening 'religions' which are founded in service to us humans, and not to any fictitious 'gods' or 'God.'
Is it really beyond our intellectual capacity to function without having to believe that their is a sentient being or authority above us?
To be continued!
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