Human rights has become a clarion call for the past 70 or more years. The rights of us people to have and live a life of qualified freedom from political and other forms of oppression has become a clarion call in all parts of the world.
Prior to this, there was the declaration of the the rights of man, as penned by the British born political theorist and philosopher, Thomas Pain.
And what of this 'rights' of which we speak, whether it be that which was articulated by Thomas Pain, of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights?
What is the status of our 'human rights'? The so-called Founding Fathers of the United States, while accepting the need to separate the political state or estate from the then powerful and unaccountable and non-transparent religious estate.
Would have us believe that 'human rights' are 'inalienable'.
But what does that mean, that we all have some basic rights and that they are 'inalienable'?
'Inalienable', according to one definition in Google, means that such rights "cannot be taken" away from, or be taken and given to another person.
And yet, this raises more questions when we analyse it. There are questions such as, who gave us these rights?
To which some will answer, 'God.' An attribution which, like so many things pertaining to God and religious, cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
To be continued!
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